Perfect for those times that I am at home, and The Offspring is hogging the computer. Perfect for when I am nowhere NEAR a computer. I can do this FROM MY CELL PHONE and it UPDATES ON MY BLOG. Did you get that? CELL PHONE TO BLOG. In one easy step. Look at that sidebar - GENIUS!
I am so enamored with this new capability that if you gave me a choice between a lifetime without chocolate and a lifetime without Twitter? You'd be getting some really PMS-laced Twitter responses.
140 character snippets. Snippets of life. Like anyone cares? Oh, but they do.
I'm twittering, and jittering. As if text messaging didn't keep my hands occupied, now there is Twitter. Yeah, I'm late to the party. Yeah, I'm behind the times. Twitter has been with the world for almost two years - but hey, I'm a Neophyte, remember? I am the late arrival to ANY techno party that isn't playing thumpin' music.
Speaking to a live person, IN person, is the "old way" of communication. Are we all so self-absorbed that this is the new us? Updating everyone, at a moment's notice, with the minute details of our lives? I thought blogging was a bit narcissistic (which is why it is a good medium for me), but Twitter? It goes over the edge and beyond. Now, you can keep up with my latest Twitters in the sidebar. As if you really cared.
Are you twittering? If so, wanna follow?
I am SO not going there.....no, no, no!
Have not gone there...not sure I want to...but knowing me, I will go investigate
I've heard of it, but not investigated it. Not sure I should.
I signed up for twitter ages ago, and then promptly did nothing with it...but now you've got me thinking...hmm...sidebar widget? hmm...this could be fun!
Are you kidding me? I have enough trouble using my cell just to call home, let alone blogging with it!!
God, I just want to have sex with you a lot. I don't even care about your post.
I hadn't heard of it, so I'm even later to the party!
Don't tell anyone, but I don't even know how to text message.
LOL! I discovered twitter last summer, but decided between blogging, ebay, email...I just cannot handle something else!!! And YES, I am afraid, VERY afraid, that it would become a serious addiction!!
I am HIGHLY addicted to it. I'll have to come & find you.
Hi Tig:
Well I'm impressed that you can blog by phone now. I can't even send a text message by myself yet without screwing it up. So you must be waaaaay younger than I am to be able to do that.
I LOVE your house pics. I scrolled back wondering if moving day had taken place yet, and I see that it has. Congratulations on the new house. I sure have enjoyed watching it get built on your blog. Love your bathtub. We have the same kitchen cabinets! I still feel like I'm living in a new house and we moved in 2 years ago.
I've seen Twitter before but decided against it. I have enough trouble keeping the blog up and going these days. Enjoy your Twittering.
aoj & the lurchers - yeah, I'm at the point of needing rehab already.
bond - it's an overload - I'll warn ya! But I know you are the curious sort.
desert songbird - I don't think it's as dangerous, as long as you are not proficient at texting. Which I am.
karina - it's like blogging! Only in snippets - LOVE IT!
willowtree - yes, but you are MUCH better with your blog than I.
m@ - having dreams again?
kila - GASP! Then again, you are blessed. Trust me.
bermudabluez - I am afraid I can't handle it, either. But. Must. Try.
anglophilefootballfanatic - another addict! WOOHOO! I am not alone!
caroline - SO GOOD TO SEE YOU! I have been an absent blogger, due to the move, mostly. We are very happy in the new house - but I am afraid it will be awhile before it's broken in. I'll come visit you today!
sirdar - somehow, your last sentence sounds nasty!
Of course I'll follow if I can find you. :)
uhhh this was an April fools joke right? ha ha
At least we have something to read during the lull between your weekly posts!!
I love blogging but DETEST texting on my cell!
Not for me, my friend....
Oh my GOD. I want to subscribe to your twitter updates just to be closer to you. :)
I wouldn't clink that link with a ten foot pole...I have enough twitterclutter in my life as it is. But thank you, anyway. :)
I heard about the storms down there--didn't check to see how close they were to you, but I hope you, and your new home, are OK!
A newspaper article last week mentioned a new disease (really - it was considered a disease!) that young people today get some kind of anxiety when they are out of cell phone service range, or are unable to access their phone for some reason. I wish I could remember what the "label" or terminology the psychiatrist used
I want twitter. Hey everyone texts now. It's more convenient than getting on the phone with someone who won't shut up. Unless of course you want to talk to that someone who won't shut up but for me it's a good way to pause them and mute them at the same time.
I got twitter!
lisa marie - I move pretty fast...so, hurry!
kaytabug - SO true! I am a bad, bad blogger!
sandy - more twittering for the rest of us, I suppose...
melissa - you are officially my favorite stalker.
swampy - I have too much, too - but what's a little more?
kila - thanks for asking! We are fine - but I sure wish a bolt had hit the old house!
pamela - I wish you could, too - b/c I have it. I need to see if my insurance will cover it. Maybe get a disability check?
c - glad to help create another addict! And yeah, it is PERFECT for those people you DON'T want to talk to...
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