One that I have been working to assimilate into my life is, "It is better to be kind than right." Tough, for a Virgo like me - one who is critical and intently self-critical. I tried to find the origin of this quote, and the best I can come up with is Ernie Harwell, whose granddaughter sells the quotation as a printed wall hanging.
Another quote I try to embody in my daily life is Rotary International's "Four Way Test," and though it's not really a quote, per se, it is a motto worth striving for.
It is the "Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do..."
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all CONCERNED?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
I try so hard to ask myself these questions before opening my mouth. It is more difficult than you would imagine.
Now, go check out some more fabulous and inspirational quotes from this week's participants!
Wow! You did a short list. I couldn't shut up once I got started. Oh, well, typical for me. Where are your music related quotes?!!!
Very good words to live by (but I can see that they are tough as well).
I could get that tattooed on the back on my eyelids -- then I could just casually close my eyes before opening my mouth. It might work.
We should ALL live by those words, Tig!!
those are wonderful, and good advice. I must remember them, thanks for sharing.
Your fist one makes me think of a an affirmation my Mom wanted to practice saying " I would rather be happy than right." It became an inside joke for us during the 4-day retreat we went to together. When one of us was talking as if we were trying to be right the other would chime in with that quote!! Guess you had to be there.
If would be doing fantastic if I could remember those 4 things!!!!
That motto is something we should all try to aspire towards.
I love the first one, but you're right, it's not an easy one.
That four-way test is a toughie isn't it!!?
That's an excellent 4-way test. And yes, it's better to be kind than right. That would be a challenge to apply that principle everyday, not only for Virgo's, but for Leo's, too.
Wow.......that makes you a better person than I!!!
arkansas songbird - really just wanted to focus on my "life" quotes - music quotes is another Fun Monday!
celeste - incredibly tough - I need them branded on my skin.
pamela - yeah - i need one of those little dudes on my shoulder, screaming them in my ear!
bermudabluez - tough to do, it's like a lifelong mission!
alison - you're welcome. I just hope to really feel like I'm living them fully one day!
kaytabug - i repeat them aloud every week at our Rotary meeting, which after doing it for 7 years, really helps me remember!
chrisb - a universal motto, isn't it?
jo beaufoix - i know, especially since most of the time I am SO right!
aoj & the lurchers - yeah, and combined with the first quote? I'm a goner.
nekked lizard lady - i actually think it would be a lot tougher for Leos, since Leos are right most of the time!
hootin' anni - not really, only if I could master those words!
Very good and wise. One of the hardest things to do is to be so honest to yourself as you have shown here.
The first quote is very good but the motto is...well....perfect. I think the whole world could stand to read this motta and try to practice it more often. Great job!
That really is quite a test for sure. Always good to lean on the truth...
Grrrr, Blogger ate my first comment, so lemme try again!
Kindness cannot be over-rated! It makes such a difference in the lives of others and really doesn't require much more effort, ya know?
Your "four-way test" is good food for thought, too. To mentally go through all those steps before speaking/acting would make a huge difference, especially in "trying" circumstances.
Ooooo, and did you just call me "beautiful"???? You're my new BBFF!!!
kitten - being honest with myself if a HUGE challenge. But then, I tend to be hurtful to myself - too harsh.
joy t. - the motto actually seems to be an exercise in biting my tongue - so far!
ellen b - it's tough to be truthful, and still make sure your comments build goodwill and better friendships, so yeah - I use this motto so I know when to shut up.
robin (the pensieve one) - I think Swampy paid you a MUCH bigger compliment, but I'll take the BBFF!
It would be great if everyone thought of those questions before opening their mouths. I'll say I'll try to keep them in mind, but I'm sure it'll be easier said than done. Nice thoughts, though, and something to strive for.
It would be hard indeed.
I agree with your first quote 100%. figure not everyone has to share my truth. The 4-way test is an original for me and what a standard to follow for our communications with others.
I love the Kind/Right quote. That's a great way to live life.
Well, if it were EASY everyone could do it. I applaud you for trying!!!
Not only do I like to be right, I like to be sure that everyone knows that I'm right. I think it's a youngest child in the family thing.
Good ones, and I'll try to remember the Four Way Test!
I am also a Virgo...August 23rd.
I like the questions that you ask before you speak. I try to be nice to everyone...sometimes I even succeed.
swampangel65 - TOTALLY easier said than done. I catch myself all the time, but not before I've opened my mouth, unfortunately.
iamwhoiam - I take it you aren't going to try it?
faye - it's also an interesting standard to follow in business, which is where I try the hardest to apply it.
jan - it's especially hard, tho, when I feel like I am RIGHT so often!
sayre - thank you! And very true!
ari_1965 - it's an only child thing, too, evidently.
kila - I repeat it weekly, which helps a BUNCH.
sirdar - we are a strange lot - and I'm married to a Virgo, so we have FUN times, as you can imagine.
Short, but certainly powerfull! I like the first quote, and have a similar one on my list of favorites (the one about it being nice to be important, but more important to be nice). it's a good line of thinking, methinks.
Short but effective list. I find both of those difficult as well.
I had never read the "four way test" before. Thank you for this.
Very thought provoking and inspiring. It's funny how when I was younger it was so much more important to me to be witty rather than kind.
Oh, well, at least I am still learning.
karina - it is a good one, but SO HARD to practice! I will need to bite my tongue a LOT more!
lisa marie - SO glad I am not alone in my struggle.
sandy - you're welcome! And it is so difficult to "be good," but I'm learning patience, every day.
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