It's time for another Fun Monday assignment, and this week's hostess is Janet, from the Planet of Janet. She was curious about the movie trailer for our life story, and who we might choose to play in our feature film about our lives.
Given the recent discovery of my heritage, who better to play me than Penelope Cruz? However endearing her accent, she'd have to drop if for a CaliforniTexArkansan style - just to prove her acting chops.

Then the blur of college - which would basically show the true "formative" years of Tiggerlane. The time in my life when my eyes were opened, and I discovered more about myself than I thought possible.
Of course, a recurring theme of me struggling with my pursuit of perfection and my constant need to reach that "next" level of success must be included. After all, that is key to character development.
The birth of my only-known relative would be a plot crescendo, and then in later years? I would hope to be portrayed as such:

Now go visit all the other participants lurking around Janet's Planet!
hey,i know you're being funny, but i can totally see the resemblance.
Penelope Cruz - good choice!!!
I thought you were going to suggest Mother Theresa until I got to the blurb about the passle of adopted kids. And I totally can't believe you didn't work Matt Damon into your movie!!!
I think you do look something like Penelope Cruz. Honest.
Penelope would be honoured to play the role I'm sure.
How great! I probably won't be able to post mine until later this week but I have been working on it. I've got a plot forming. With Jennifer Aniston in my role. :D
Yeah, I was waiting for the shameless Matt Damon plug...
I'm with you on skipping that buck teeth phase of your life drama--Penelope may have balked at portraying you in case some bandit photos got out.
And yes, thank goodness for college years.
no no no no no.... Selma Hayek!!!!
(okay. it's your movie. you get to choose. ps. I still have buck teeth)
Sounds good ! and Penelope Cruz would be nice in this role ! When is the movie coming out ??
I can't believe I forgot to cast myself! Penelope Cruz - good choice!
Y'know....from your profile and your profile image...you ARE a lot like Ms. Cruz.
Hurry on over, my fantasy flick is beginning right now, and you don't want to miss the opening scene!!
Sounds like an uplifting film... from bathroom to world-saving - you're my kind of heroine!
You rock Tigg! You already have a dramatic life, I just have a silly one! (BTW- did you ever beat Lou on medium?)
laurie - I feel so flattered!
karmyn r - still have to see if she can "get" the accent in her screen test.
arkansas songbird - well, thought it might upset the hubby if Matt was my on-screen love, you know? Just had to leave that part out - but it's "understood!"
the rotten correspondent - you guys are killin' me! But DEFINITELY making my Monday brighter - thanks!
peter - you're too kind - just wonder how she would do the "drunken college phase" tho!
junebug - I'll definitely check back for it - I usually can't visit FM participants until Tuesdays, anyway.
desert songbird - it should be there - hidden subliminally in my post - ha!
faye - LOL!! And yeah - college was so good for me - mostly for the social education.
pamela - That's another one I thought of - she's a lot spunkier, like me. I'm just glad I still have teeth, at this point.
gattina - I guess I have to wait until I do some overseas philanthropic work, but it's one of my goals!
aoj & the lurchers - now you are making me VERY curious to see your post!
hootin' anni - I'll do my best! (Mondays are hellish at work, and I've got a big advertising deadline this morning.) I'll be sure to pop by.
sayre - thank you! You put that in a cute way - I giggled.
simply jenn - I LIVE for the drama, I think! And NO...I haven't played Guitar Hero since we moved - but maybe the new house will give me just the vibe I need to beat that darn man!
Great job, Tigger!
I would definitely rent this movie.
From dark beginnings to a humble and successful adulthood. That a true hollywood story makes! And with Penelope Cruz at the helm, you've got an Academy Award Nominee in the making here! ;-)
Great choice! At first glance I thought it was Alyssa Milano.
Your movie would be a great movie!!!
Hey! Hey! I know, Matt Damon could be a fling you had in your college years!!
Yep ya had me on the abanded part.....Your a good writer with a great mind!!
I think your life story would make an Oscar worthy film. And your casting is wonderful!
WOOT for her to play YOU! ;)
excellent casting ... gripping storyline ...
bravo, tig! this has all the makings of an oscar-winner. i'll see you on the red carpet next year!
sandy - thanks! I'd like to see the first part, myself!
karina - I forgot to add that I would want to end the movie dying in a gas station restroom - that would have been classic!
kaytabug - TOTALLY! I could so cast Matt as a college fling! Awesome idea!
jettie - thank you! Now I just need to work on my heart a bit...
sauntering soul - thanks so much! Can't wait to finally check out the other participants.
mariposa - I hope she can get the accent down, or I'll have to find another actress.
janet - you must TOTALLY help me pick the dress, tho!
I totally agree with Karina. What an amazing lifestory to share! :)
I wouldn't worry too much about the buckteeth. I think about half of my class had them until everyone hit the stage of braces.
Thanks for sharing!
I wouldn't mind the passel of adopted kids if I had their money.
nice story!
Yours is so creative! I love it!
So, can I get a role during your college years..maybe the guy you bought the bag of weed from or sumthin?
irish coffeehouse - yeah, and they were the VERY attractive braces in those days - weren't they?
mamalang - I'm with you on that. I only had one, since that is all I can afford! Especially EMOTIONALLY.
detroit - thanks! I cheated, tho - that abandonment thing is too easy to use.
bond - LOL!! Yeah! That guy! Or guys! How funny - you're in!
Angelina looks like ET there. I know, I'm evil.
Sorry I didn't get to ya till today! Penelope rocks and she would be honored, I am sure, to play the role!
I actually think you do look like Penelope.
I am sure that Penelope would be so pleased to play you! And Matt Damon could play your husband!! Great FM! Hope the moving in is progressing smoothly...
m@ - evil, but honest.
tracey - I would hope so - thanks for the compliment!
melanie - you guys are making me blush! I'm so flattered!
bermudabluez - it's going okay - it would go a little better if Matt Damon was helping with the move, too!
this definitely has the makings for Hollywood greatness!!!
Wow, that's big. Your life story is so dramatic and yet you are real.
This isn't coming out right.
What I mean is, cool post.
alison - I just need a screenwriter, to assemble my random thoughts.
occidental girl - LOL! And REAL. I'm a real girl!
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