Monday, April 07, 2008

Fun Monday Crushes

This was a TOUGH Fun Monday for me! Jo Beaufoix (who is rockin' a new web design - you GO, Girl!) wanted to know about our youthful celebrity crushes. Unlike most girls, my walls were NOT plastered with the hotties from Teen Beat, but with photos of hot cars. My dad and I used to go to car auctions on the weekends in the Houston Astrodome...and I fell in love with the automobile. So, my first REAL crush is a car. However, I did have to buy the albums of this cutie:Yes, Shaun Cassidy. Me and 1,000,000 other girls my age pined for him. Not the most talented singer, but can you imagine running your fingers thru that hair? Sigh.

Next, I had a crush on Tommy Shaw from Styx, mostly due to his photo in the inside of the "Paradise Theater" album (bottom left):I like his voice a lot, too - it was kinda lispy. Remember the song "Too Much Time on My Hands?" Or maybe you were a fan of "Renegade?" Well, my husband took me to a Styx concert in Fort Smith a few years ago...and I was shocked that Tommy now looks like this:Uh, yeah - he isn't a kid anymore? I was surprised, as I stood not ten feet from the man, that he had aged. NOT POSSIBLE! But, still a cool guy, who still rocks and sends people like me e-cards at Christmas.

My first REAL crush?The 1969 Jaguar E-Type 4.2 Roadster Series. Yeah, baby. Something tells me it won't age a BIT!

Now go visit Jo and see the other participants!


Sandy said...

Yeah, baby. 1971 Datsun 240Z, oh yeah. Not that I ever dated a guy just for his

Sauntering Soul said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who confessed to having the hots for Shaun Cassidy. His singing was really awful and yet I spent way too many hours of my life listening to it.

Pamela said...

Shaun would look quite nice in your roadster.
and the other guy is starting to resemble a hood ornament.

You still know your cars Tigger!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Oh my Bob that car is gorgeous. And Shaun was pretty cute as well.
My new blog design has kind of disappeared for now as we suddenly had to start over due to some commenting errors. Nightmare. But thanks for the mention. :D

Thanks for playing too lovely Tigger, and have a fabulous day. :D

Anonymous said...

The car is very cool...

Desert Songbird said...

Embarrassingly enough, I had a Shaun Cassidy crush myself.

Carwise, it's a Shelby Cobra that has my heart.

Anonymous said...

I wanted a t-shirt of Shaun Cassidy. Never got one.

Beckie said...

I've been looking for someone that had Shaun Cassidy for a crush. I liked Shaun, but I liked Scott Baio more.

Karina said...

No wonder that car was your first crush, quite the hot little ticket, wasn't it? ;-)

ChrisB said...

Shaun Cassidy is definitely the man of the moment~ However I'll pass in favour of the car!!

Tiggerlane said...

sandy - my first date was in a 1966 Ford Mustang...which was more fun than the boy in it!

sauntering soul - I finally threw away some of those cassette tapes a few years ago. I listened to him a lot, too!

pamela - lucky for me, Shaun still looks pretty good these days! Wonder if he likes cars?

jo beaufoix - it's hard enough to host, much less during redesign! You've done a GREAT job, however!

ellen b - oh, and I wish I had one!

desert songbird - how about Shaun IN a Cobra?

karymn r - I think I may have had one. Shame on Pamela!

beckie - I'm curious - do you like Scott Baio now? He seems whiney IRL...

karina - oh, yes - beat down the Porsches and Ferrarris, anyday.

chrisb - I think I will, too!

Molly said...

You are a very practical gal. My husband and I found a '66 Jaguar for $2,000 in 1968. Unfortunately, even $2,000 in those days was out of our market. Besides, the card dealer shared that the car did not run and the mecahnics were not able to keep the car running. Yet, we did dream of toolin' down the road in that green Jag.

The older Tommy Shaw looks good to me.

Mariposa said...

I was blown by your REAL crush! Whatta taste! Amen sister! Happy FM!

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Oooh that e-type. NOW you are talkin'!

j said...

Finding out that Shaun Cassidy was a popular guy!!!! I guess that's why they were called teen idols. I liked him but I loved David Cassidy!


Melanie said...

Wow- Shaun is quite popular this week! For obvious reasons.
Our Happy Happenings

Sayre said...

I went for older brother David. My first real-life crush drove a Ford Falcon - and I LOVED that car!

Sayre said...

I went for older brother David. My first real-life crush drove a Ford Falcon - and I LOVED that car!

Tiggerlane said...

mjd - cars before men, I say! I do still like Tommy Shaw - he's still pretty hip for his age, too!

mariposa - a car won't be mean to you, now will it? Happy FM!

aoj & the lurchers - haven't had a chance to visit the FM group, but I'm betting I am the only one who picked a car.

jennifer - I think I didn't like David b/c he had squintier eyes.

melanie - now I have to go visit the participants!

sayre - I will have to say, there have been a few exes whose cars I would have liked to have kept!

Alison said...

great car!! my crush was the same as yours!!

Anonymous said...

Those Cassidy boys are EVERYWHERE today !
Lurv the car.
I had fun with Fun Monday today, but man I feel old.

Anonymous said...

My hubby is a HUGE Styx fan. Partially over Tommy Shaw being a Notre Dame fan. So, I understand that one.

Matthew Mientka said...

Wow. Now there's a redneck! He's 13th GENERATION don't give a fuck!

kitten said...

Great choice in car!!!! I didn't have any crushes, but did want to drive a big trug. I know I'm wierd, but that's why everybody likes me. LOL!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Tell Sandy I owned a 74 240Z....

Loved that car

Kaytabug said...

I'm laughing at your first real crush..not that it is a funny choice...but..oh nevermind!

Way to go KANSAS!! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Anonymous said...

Can't say that I get your infatuation with those guys....but the you're talking!!

Tiggerlane said...

alison - great minds think alike, indeed!

swampy - funny, but I think there are more David fans. Just don't get it.

anglophilefootballfanatic - I am, too! Still! I would see them again, too...

matthew - uh, I'm lost - who are you talking about?

kitten - I have found that weirdos like us can be IMMENSELY popular!

bond - I had a 240Z, but it was a 1990 model - does that count?

kaytabug - NO WAY I'm letting you get away with that. NONE. Spill. Now.

sirdar - it was a mild fascination with the guys. The cars? OMG. You have NO idea of the car porn I had on my walls.

Memphis said...

A friend of mine back in high school went nuts when Tommy Shaw left Styx. She wrote a letter to him telling him how upset she was. I can't tell you how excited she was when he wrote her back and explained that he had been with Styx longer than any other group and it was time to move on. She and I went to see them on the Mr. Roboto tour in Alabama. We were right up on the wall. Tommy smashed his red Fender Strat in that show. I don't know why. I saw them again in another city and he didn't do it, so I don't think it was part of the show. He was just pissed.

Tiggerlane said...

memphis steve - wow! And hey - did you know? Tommy Shaw is STILL rockin' with Styx? I just recently heard a version of "Daytripper" that he did a few years back that was good, too.