I'm SO GLAD that Southern Doll is hosting this week's Fun Monday. I have been out of town at a conference all weekend, and wasn't sure I'd have the strength left to blog. However, she had a GREAT assignment. She wanted to know: "What have you done in your life that was worth doing? I want to know the moments in your life that you hope will be the ones to pass through your mind when your time comes."
I'm exhausted and FEEL near death, so this might be a good time to brainstorm. Let's see, in no particular order:
Giving birth to The Offspring. Having a daughter, and committing my life to raising her well, has to be the most important thing I will ever do - now or in the future.
Being fulfilled as a person, by virtue of truly feeling like I KNOW myself. Or at least the person I've become up until this point.
Having a successful and loving marriage.
Going back to school and obtaining my Master's Degree.
Having the courage to buy my own company, and the strength to power through the tough times.
Maintaining a good relationship with my parents.
Spending time devoting myself in service to others through Rotary International.
There are so many more things I could list - but I feel that by living my life to its fullest, I am fulfilling my purpose. There is so much left for me to do, and so much left to give - I hope to create MANY more moments to be deemed worthy!
Have fun visiting all the Fun Monday participants!
Sounds like you've made a good start to me Tigegr. Have a great week. :D
isnt it great to have a great marriage. its like having a best friend, any day all day long. and well, there are OTHER benefits (wink wink)... ha!
Well done. The people in our lives are so important, it's good to make them a priority. Good job getting your Master's and challenging yourself to help others...
The things you have listed show you have a truly wonderful balance to your life.
You have great accomplishments. One thing I forgot to mention was sponsoring two children through World Vision. One is a seven year old girl from Uganda and the other is a 7 year old boy from Chile. It makes me very happy.
EXCELLENT list there Tigger
What a wonderful list.
(Having the courage to buy my own company, and the strength to power through the tough times.) Good for you! That is something I have always wanted to do, but at the end of my schooling, I started homeschooling. So, to me at this time in my life is more important. 2 of my kids have serve dyslexia and our school don't have what the resources to help them, but they are working on it.
I'm thinking of doing my Fun Monday in parts this week, since I wrote it the way I did.
Well said! You have a good list going - I can see that it isn't quite finished yet - you have much more to accomplish.
Knowing yourself is possibly the most important thing in life...know yourself and you can deal with just about anything!
I think you're amazing! What a great list! :)
Raising my son is probably my topper too and appreciating my parents.
What? Was it a sex conference for sexy people?
To thy ownself be true. Selfemployeed, that takes some real effort and maintaining a happy marriage another great acomplishment. Life well done.
Definately things to be proud of!
There's something for you at my place.
wonderful accomplishments...I love what you said about your daughter, I feel the same way about mine.
Fantastic list!!!You have MUCH to be proud of!
What a great list! Huge accomplishments. What a grand life!
I think that having a good mariage and a good family is the more importante thing in life. Loved your post.
jo beaufoix - that's exactly what it feels like, too - just a start!
lil mouse - yeah, those other benefits were so much more important the first years - but the friendship is what has made it LAST.
ellen b - thank you - and as I get older, others become more important.
chrisb - thanks, and I'll reread this as my life seems out of control!
junebug - that is a remarkable thing - you are to be commended for that, for sure!
bond - many thanks, bondie!
kitten - I admire you for that - I just didn't have the patience. Someone would have ended up dead - so I am in awe of fantastic parents like you! You can't fire kids, you know!
beckie - I feel EONS away from finishing - hope that means I'll have a long life!
aoj & lurchers - knowing AND liking yourself - it's the liking that I find more difficult!
melissa - and an amazingly lax blogger, as of late!
c - just can't think of anything more worthy that I've done than raise The Offspring!
m@ - LOL!! Unfortunately for me, I think I was the sexiest one there.
iamwhoiam - thanks so much! And it takes a lot to keep it all going, day after day!
the planet of janet - (taking a deep bow!)
kila - many thanks! I am a horrible blogger, but I'm VERY honored - and will post about it very soon!
alison - there's just nothing else on the planet like daughters, is there?
kaytabug - but I totally left off my blogging buddies - how lame is that?
fianna - and a whole lot of it left to live!
rose - thank you - and I totally agree!
I'd put my kids at the topof my list too...and maybe baskin robbins.
wonderful things Tiggerlane!
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