So, to tide you over, here are some of the photos I took at Saturday night's fireworks extravaganza in Hatfield, AR (home of Arkansas Songbird):
I also shot the finale with the same camera. Not GREAT results, but here's a Happy pre-4th sample:
And for even MORE fun, check this out - Marnie actually obeyed my orders, and completed the no-makeup challenge. I'm still suspicious that she had a chemical peel weeks before and some moisturizer on, b/c her naked face is still mighty pretty. Check out the Canadian beauty here.
Okay, now run on over to Prairie Air to visit the more dedicated Fun Monday participants. I promise I'll post the REAL entry by Tuesday.
Cool photos.
You're right, Marnie is way too cute.
this is a perfect summer memory post...
Makes me wish instead that I had written about 4th celebrations when my dad would get out the dynamite and blow a stump.
I saw Marnie earlier. She is a little apricot, isn't she.
This looks like a great Fun Monday post to me. Fireworks certainly bring back wonderful memories of summer.
Gorgeous fireworks.
Fireworks are some great Summer memories for me too.
Marnie does look really cute.
I love fireworks, we only have them once a year here on St Patricks day but they were cancelled this year due to the appalling weather.
Great fireworks photos!
I have a fireworks setting on my camera, too. My pics look just like yours!
Happy Monday!
I LOVE those photos! How cool!
Pamela said exactly what I was going to say! Perfect Fun Monday post and I love that top photo - It reminds me of a thistle flower (also a Summer memory!)
All of you people across the country have completely blown your wads before the REAL Fourth even gets here!
Save some partying for Wednesday, eh?
Pretty cool pictures.
kila - yeah, marnie makes me sick.
pamela - blowing up a stump sounds COOL!
mjd - the real post will be up by the end of the day, but thanks!
christine - amazing how she looks without makeup. Makes me ill.
beccy - we have them at New Year's, too - you guys need another holiday excuse to blow things up!
nikki - thanks!
jenniboo - I wonder if we have the same camera - gotta Kodak?
melissa - thanks, and you didn't say how cute Marnie is. So double-thanks.
Purple Worms - THISTLE! I had been trying since Saturday night to think of that flower. We had the same thought, except I couldn't think of the name. Thanks!
matt - some of us have to work early on Thursday. Besides, more days to blow stuff up is better than one!
amy w - thanks!
Love the fireworks photos and video. Makes me wish I had a fireworks setting on my camera:( OH but now I can not wait for the real deal on Wed!
Try to contain your shock that I'm finally here! Your fireworks photos turned out pretty good, as did your video. I was several miles away from the launch point, so my photos are small, but I think I did a pretty decent job of catching them. That "Fireworks" mode on my camera is pretty cool.
kaytabug - I'm taking these with a Kodak C875, which is a $200 camera - nothing fancy, but I really like it. I'm saving my pennies for an SLR, but with this camera - I'm not sure I need one!
desert songbird - you have been MISSED! I'm going to have to check your photos now...you always do well!
I dunno about that, but check it out and see for yourself:
Did Someone Say Fireworks?
Did you use tripod? I'm going to check out your flickr page now. I love fireworks shots! If you like them as well you should try taking pictures of fire, like a bomb fire. Set up a tripod, open the shutter, use another flash and make it go off every now and then, maybe keep the shutter open for about 16 seconds. Cool pictures
desert songbird - you did GREAT!
vicki - Fantastic ideas! I honestly just took these while craning my neck back and NOT holding my hand that steady... the camera truly did all the work...
I need an SLR REAL BAD!
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