Friday, August 25, 2006

Whimpering (Softly)

I can't believe how TIRED I am. Only one week into the new school year, and I'm beat. I got in the bad habit of sleeping in during the summer (one of the perks of being the boss), maybe heading to the orifice (office) at 9:30AM. Now, I'm rousted up at 6:45AM, with the task sof helping the child get her breakfast ready, making sure she has all the appropriate accoutrements for the school day, approving of her clothing choices, and driving her to the middle school in time for the 8:00AM bell. Plus having to remember to pick her up at 3:15PM. Not to mention having to keep up with cheer practices, athletic forms, student info forms, homework assignments, and monetary requirements. Plus, I had to teach my first college class this week and finalize the plans for a Rotary District Membership Seminar that I am conducting all day Saturday in a town that is an hour and 45 minute drive for my home.

Oh...and let's not forget that even though I'm arriving at work much earlier, I feel so very far behind. I taught a Realtor New Member Orientation Course Tuesday morning, conducted a sales meeting Wednesday morning, fired an agent Wednesday afternoon, hired a new agent Friday, and approved a new advertisement for the football section of the newspaper to acknowlege my daughter's participation in Mena Bearkitten Cheerleading - all in addition to my normal duties.

And what? Pluto is no longer a planet?? My world is not the same!!!

I know, I'm whining. And my husband keeps telling me that I put too much on my plate. I guess I wouldn't be happy otherwise, or I wouldn't keep doing it!!! I have renewed respect, each and every day, for those who have more than one child, or don't have a significant other. Thank goodness the child's first football game is over this evening, and I'll get to sleep in on Sunday. God knew that people like me needed a day of rest, and for that, I'm blessed.


willowtree said...

Tigger, far be it from me to tell you how to live your life, but whatever you do, check your blood pressure.

If you want a horror story about how wrong things can go, there's one on my blog called 'a trip to the eye doctor'.

You need to be around for a while, so don't load the plate too high.

SongBird said...

Go Amber!!!

Girl, you crack me up!! I'll take care of Amber for you, but you can keep your job and Roger!

I feel sorry for Pluto!! And wouldn't you know my third grade musical is about the planets. Pluto has a speaking part. Guess this can be his last official appearance as a planet.

Angelina said...

Good lord, just hearing what you've been up to is making me want to crawl back into bed. But, of course, I can't. I've got my own full plate to juggle.

I've wondered many times how parents of more than one child manage to survive all that activity!