Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Surviving, Again

Hello, folks. I did not, as reported, drop off the face of the earth. I was merely spending another weekend, out of town, cavorting with fountain ducks.

It is amazing to me that as I get older, it takes so much longer to recover from a simple weekend out of town. (And yes, "simple weekend" usually involves an alcoholic beverage or two. Or three. Okay, maybe four.) In the olden days (read: college), I could go on for many days in a row without sleep and little sustenance besides 39-cent tacos and Boone's Strawberry Hill. I never remember being exhausted and having to take a "down day" to recuperate. Maybe I would have to take a partial day to recover from a hangover, but I was always ready for another round by evening.

Now, I spend one night partying (not even LATE, people!), and semi-sleep in an uncomfortable hotel bed, and BAM! I spent almost all day Sunday trying to regain my sense of self. It took all the energy I could muster to go to WalMart (then again, that's not unusual) and do the shopping.

Adding to my puzzlement - I eat SO MUCH BETTER now - PLUS, I exercise on a regular basis! I literally sweat out impurities by the bucketload when I work out! I read! I drink gallons of water - especially when I'm on a trip! I am a responsible individual! What's wrong with this picture?

Any tips are appreciated. And please, don't just tell me I'm getting old.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

OK, it is the evil scientist in me, but "You're getting Old!" (plus you said not to say it so I HAD to!! ;) )
Cie la Vive!