Kitten was this week's Fun Monday hostess, and she wanted to know who we look up to in our lives...our 'superhero,' of sorts. Only one person popped into my mind, immediately. The Offspring.

Now, you may think it's odd that I picked a 14-year old girl, but let me tell you, my daughter has taught me more about life than anyone else in my world. She has taught me the usual things a child can teach you - patience, understanding, love, etc. But more than that, she grounds me. She has the ability to make sense of me, and calls me out when she thinks I'm drifting away from my true self. She is also an incredible inspiration, not only musically, but in the way she lives her life. She knows herself much better than I did at her age, and she continues to teach me what is worth laughing about, what is worth crying over, and what is worth keeping. She is astute beyond her years, and I can't wait until my "formal" Mommy period is over - for the time when we will be the best of friends.
(BTW, the "DECAY" in that photo is something she added for some artistic flair on a myspace account. Just part of her artfulness.)
She continues to grow into the most fabulous young lady I've ever encountered. And I hope she will teach me for the rest of my life.
Now go to Kitten's, and check out all the heroes in bloggers' lives!
I too thought of doing my daughter...and I know just what you mean about how a child can teach you more about life that anyone else in the world! This is one terrific choice, and she's beautiful!
My F M is shared.
Not having had children, I can only imagine how special that relationship must be.
What a lovely tribute to your daughter.
Very sweet!
Love how you described THAT part of motherhood - that they teach us too!
Great Fun Monday post.
hootin' anni - I've learned so much, especially in the last two years! Will pop by today!
celeste - very special, indeed. And LOTS of work.
chrisb - thank you so much!
Hope she feels the same.
karisma - thank you! And it was easy for me, b/c she is such a special kid.
jennifer - thank you! And I have learned SO MUCH from this kid - I wonder if maybe I AM an idiot, sometimes?
I love your post...I have been pulling my hair..ringing my hands and praying oohh and a little slow counting with my 13 year old daughter!!
I have a feeling my son will be my hero soon. He's a bit young and unsure of himself now, but once he is more independent and less my baby, I think he will fly!
How marvelous that your daughter is there already.
Tigger I love that post. Has she read it? You're so right about how much we can learn from our children. I thought about my girls too, but they are only 7 and 3 so it kind of seemed a heavy weight for their young shoulders. They still have so much to learn about themselves yet, whereas at 14 you're already well on your way to being an individual and finding out who you are a little.
She's a stunning girl and a really cool looking kid too. Have a fab week. :D
Wow, such a great hero!
I hope my daughter is the same at that age.
That was really beautiful! So sweet!
Very wonderful post! My kids teach me everyday.
I have been very worried about you because of the tornadoes. Yall got hit harder than we did. My mom tried to call some of kin folk and their phone lines were down. I wasn't sure where you lived, but I still worried. Now, that I see you have posted, I know you are okay!
I almost put my daughter down also. She is more self aware than I ever was at her age, she is 13...wonderful post Tiggerlane!!
Isn't that the best feeling in the world? You will so be the best of friends. My mom & I are. And, I consider myself the lucky one. So, I'm sure the offspring thinks that way, too.
I also almost chose my daughter as my hero. I definitely would any day of the week - and, at 31, she is my bestest friend.
Wow, she is beautiful. I think kids with artistic abilities and who are given the freedom to express make it through life a whole lot easier than others. Big smile from LizardLand.
She is a beauty in body but more importantly in spirit. But I think the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree on this one.
She is beautiful, inside and out, it sounds like. I'm so enjoying the relationship I have with my 31 year old son. As you said, the formal mommying is over.
she had to learn from someone? ... could it be that the reflections you see are from you?
I have two daughters, one 24 and one 20. They are always teaching me something. They are excellent advisors on style and make-up and hair. They advise me on sunglasses and hats. I listen to tons of their music choices. My son advises me on cooking! He has taught me not to overcook the broccoli, let it be bright green. I couldn't possibly list all the things they help me with. Of course, I might have taught them a thing or two.
jettie - it will improve - TRUST! Yet, my husband is still trying to figure out how to communicate with a teenager in the house!
sayre - I'm sure that will be the case - you'll be surprised how quickly that independence rears its head!
jo beaufoix - she hasn't read it yet - and you are SO right about the age. Amazing how much they find themselves...faster than we did at that age, I think!
thefoodsnob - I hope so, too! It can go one of two ways, I've heard - and thankfully, mine doesn't hate me too terribly much!
karina - thanks so much!
kitten - thanks for the concern! I am in the middle of the state, all the way over on the western border - 13 miles from Oklahoma in the Ouachita Mtns.
alison - thanks! And I wonder, what has made our children more mature at the age? Gotta be more than hormones in the beef.
anglophilefootballfanatic - it is an AWESOME feeling - just hope it lasts!
sandy - I sure hope that it's the same with me and The Offspring - that would be incredibly cool!
nekked lizard lady - thanks! And I sure hope you're right - b/c we are going to allow her to "do her artsy" thing, and send her to a college that is heavy on liberal arts.
iamwhoiam - thank you so much! And you're right, the spirit is the key to her true beauty!
patience-please - I can't wait for that day - and good to know that it IS possible!
pamela - is that like the highest compliment EVER? Thanks, Pamela Jamela!
junebug - that is too cool! And there's nothing like sharing new music with your kids. I think it connects us, doesn't it? And I'll make a note on the broccoli!
Right now, for me, it is my dad. At 88 he is still everything a father should be. He has been my model of husband, father, and what a man ought to be. If I am half the man he is, I will be twice the man that most are.
I agree that your children can teach you stuff about yourself and the world around you. great post!
I agree that your children can teach you stuff about yourself and the world around you. great post!
drilleraa - that is awesome - sounds like you had a fantastic role model!
c - yes, and there are some things I'd really rather not know! Better safe than sorry, I suppose!
That's really cool that you admire your daughter. I admire you and your entire family. You guys seem to have it together the way families should.
I feel the same way about my oldest boy. He's the ground beneath me, and my best teacher.
She sounds like a fabulous kid! But then, how could she not be? :)
She is certainly beautiful, just like her mom...
memphis steve - maybe I should blog about us screaming at each other across the house more? Hate that I might be ruining our image!
kila - she is, in SPITE of her mother! And I have a feeling our kids will be teaching us for years to come...
susan in va - making me blush!!
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