Monday, June 25, 2007

Fun Monday Bookworms

Another Fun Monday - and this time, I'm running late. Swampy is this week's hostess, and her challenge was "to post pictures of your bookshelves or stacks of books. Hopefully, we will be able to read some of the titles. If you want, while you're at it, post pictures of ANY shelves...shelves with toys, dishes, collections, Aunt Gertrude's ashes in an urn, etc. Also, post pictures of your garage, carport, or places where you store 'stuff.' (No fair cleaning first, but if you must, maybe this will be the motivation to do so.)"

Dang. I forgot the shed. Because of limited space in our home, I store a lot of our books anywhere I can, which includes our shed. So, I've failed already. I have TONS of books - but they are tucked here and there, and my entire collection from my younger years resides in my shed.

I had a very busy weekend, so I can only show you a small selection of shelves, most of which do NOT contain books! I wish I had taken a photo of my picture shelf - but that would be a post unto itself. Maybe another time. Here is the first set of shelves in my living room. Roger actually made these shelves years before we met. You can see a small section of books, which I just recently moved from a side table into this spot near our electronica. Most of these books were actually given to me by Arkansas Songbird:Can you tell I didn't tidy it up at ALL? So maybe I passed that part of the assignment. I can write my name in the dust, I think. Roger stored a bunch of The Offspring's old Disney flicks, but you can still see some of them hanging around on the bottom shelf. She has an entire DVD collection in her room now. This is the other bookcase - and they both flank the television:Notice that there aren't any books? Just tons of CDs and other stuff. What would you expect from a musician? There are many more CDs cluttering the house here and there. I can't wait to move into the new home, so I have the motivation to get ORGANIZED. Here is a tiny shelf of books from the little spot in the dining room:There are several yearbooks of Amber's to the right - and what nurse can be without an inclusive book on anatomy? There's some CRAZY stuff in there. To redeem myself, I decided to share the more lofty offerings of my office bookcase:Makes me seem a little more intelligent, maybe, and not so much of a flake!

Sorry I didn't get all crazy and technical with my post - but it's Monday, and well, you know how business can be. Go check out some awesome shelves!


Beccy said...

I wish I had a shelf like that to store my cds, they're hidden behind the tv on shelves and difficult to reach.

ChrisB said...

You have some very tidy shelves. I spotted your book 'low fat living' now that's one I should read!!

Anonymous said...

Nice shelves!

MommaBoo said...

Very tidy and organized shelves. I'm envious!

Enjoyed seeing your "Fun Monday" today.

Happy Monday

Robinella said...

I love the bookend tucked in the books in the last photo. His taut front legs appear to be working hard to hold those books upright!

Pamela said...

did you design your new home around these???

Just wondered if you planned a lot of shelf space in the new design.

theotherbear said...

I love lots of shelf space. Great post!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping me remember the books!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of great shelf space...and you are so tidy about it.

Anonymous said...

Swampy was right - it is interesting to see what is on the shelves. It has been particularly fun to see what things we all have in common. The little book about things to be happy about is on my shelf, too. And I would love to get into that Beatles Anthology!

Desert Songbird said...

Dang! This must be bookcase weekend! I don't do Fun Monday (I'm a Manic Monday Minion), but over on my photo blog, I did a couple of posts about getting a new bookcase this weekend.

Ice Box Project 365

We have tons of books in the abode as well, and we're always looking for ways to store them/display them/donate them.

Beckie said...

More tidy shelves...I guess I need to clean my act up!

Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Your shelves are much tidier than mine. And it'll be soon enough that you'll get to display all your books when your house is finished;).

Tiggerlane said...

beccy - wonder if I could hire out my husband to build these things? They ARE sturdy.

chrisb - I read it, and it had some good tips. FOLLOWING it was the problem!

nikki - Thanks! Hoping to visit everyone else's shelves today.

jenniboo - if you think that is tidy - well, you'd love my house! I wish it were more tidy, but then, I'm a virgo.

robinella - funny observation! I may have to rescue my gazelle.

pamela - not really - I may just throw these in a bedroom somewhere. I plan to buy new furniture - but not sure where the money will come from!

theotherbear - thanks!

arkansas songbird - yeah, you need to remember, so that you don't buy me any duplicated gifts.

susan - and I'm thinking my shelves are slovenly - you guys are boosting my ego!

gawilli - I noticed my happy book was upside-down, too. I love it! I have highlighted things in that book over the years, and it's almost full of highlighted phrases! Always good for a pick-me-up. The Anthology is AWESOME and heavy!

desert songbird - LOVELY bookcase! And your gift is coming - I promise. I am getting as lax as Marnie, as she hasn't completed her "no makeup" assignment in MONTHS.

beckie - you're making me think you guys are slobs! I'm gonna definitely have to check you all out...

tiger lamb girl - Thanks - now I'm running off to check everyone's messy shelves!

raffi said...

shelves are overrated. i just pile everything up in the corners of my rooms. it appears organized. if someone makes it fall, then i tell them, 'ahhh... now you have to put them back on the shelves. dust them first, alphabetically and categorically arranged, and make sure that you make me a samawich after.' maybe you can visit sometime?

Anonymous said...

Hey. Your shelves look suspiciously like mine. Were you over here taking pictures while I was sleeping?

Tiggerlane said...

raffi - remind me to come over sometime and wreck havoc? Did I mention I'm a Virgo? I'm CONSTANTLY arranging our CDs alphabetically, thereby thwarting my husband's attempts at chaos.

melissa - are you my doppleganger?

Kila said...

Looks pretty neat. My oldest boy's jaw would drop if he saw that Star Wars Special Edition in the bottom of your first photo, LOL.

C... said...

It's funny how we accumulate so much stuff and then we try to get rid of it but can't bring our selves to do it.

Tiggerlane said...

kila - It's VHS-version - with lots of special features. I love it, along with the Raiders' series...gotta have me some Harrison Ford!

c - I hope I have the willpower during our move!

Anonymous said...

I know. I know. I know. I'm late, late, late...but, I have an excuse. It's posted at my place.
I love the angel with her arms outstretched and that game. Couldn't help but notice the D.C. for Dummies and that 1,000 Ways to Be Happy is perfect. Thanks for playing.

Anonymous said...

I know I left a comment here the other day. I can even tell you what it was, it was about my wife buying me that same Indiana Jones boxed set for Christmas two years ago.

But now I've got something else to say, I'm a Virgo too, and all my Movies and CDs are also alphabetical, sends my wife crazy!

OK, I think I know what happened, I didn't check that I got WV right, as just happened now.