If you read Angelina Williamson at Dustpan Alley, you know there's powerful stuff there. POWERFUL stuff. I chose to share this photo from her blog, because she once wrote, "This is how I wish to be remembered, both now, and when I'm gone. Spiritually speaking, this is what I will look like for all time. If I come back as a ghost, this is what frightened little girls will see come out of their closets."
Recent events in the blogosphere, and...well...OTHER recent events in the blogosphere make her writings even more poignant to me. She weighs in on the first debate in a ponderous post cleverly entitled The Puritanical Motherhood Witch Hunt. If tackling controversial, heartfelt issues makes you uneasy, then you're not ready for the bare-naked and fabulous blog that is Angelina's purest inner dialogue, spilling forth.
Angelina uses the blogging medium as a catharsis. Yes, she can rant like nobody's business. And yes, she's a mom. But most impressive is her perseverant journey to open both her own online store and a traditional brick and mortar site.
Our Monday challenge was: "What is the most significant, powerful post you have ever read?" I respectfully submit two from the Alley for your consideration.
Read St. Vincent de Paul, and you will likely never walk into a thrift store again with nonchalance.
Ten Things I Know For Sure contains straightforward advice, uncensored and unabashed - and most importantly, may prompt you to reconsider your perspective on life.
Thankfully, I wrote the bulk of this before Super Bowl coverage began. Now, I'm going to tie one on for the COLTS. And NO ONE can say that Prince didn't SHRED halftime! I'm going to bed a happy Tigger tonight!
Let's keep these Monday assignments going, gang. It's good for a Neophyte - like a college course in Blogging 101!
Ha, ha, Tigger. No more football for six months.
I thought about you with each Colt touchdown.
They played great! I was very proud of Manning (of course, the 1st quarter had me a little worried with the slippery ball and all)
God, I don't a voice left yet!
Yeah, you're right - they were tremendously gracious, our boys were. Wasn't my boy Peyton just as cute as can be? Never panicked, never flinched.
Great Fun Monday post suggestion!
Thanks for the tip! Have added Dustpan Alley to my blog list.
That was so different from anything else I have read, thanks for sending me that way.
Fabulous choices, my friend.
Thanks for participating in Fun Monday. I will have to come back later to read but just wanted to say hi and also say, "Yea ! Colts !
Thanks for the tips...Glad your boys pulled it out Tigger. Cheers!!
Thanks for the really cool post about my blog!
And Yay for your football happiness! You know I haven't got a clue about any of it, but still, how can I not cheer along too?!
matt - there IS the Pro Bowl Saturday, so I'll get to see Peyton again. PLUS, the NFL network shows training camp...I'll survive.
karmyn - my heart rate was at 120, six minutes into the 1st quarter!
desert songbird - such a gentleman, our Manning boy! I thought of you in the 1st quarter - imagining you pacing and fanning and worried!
Erik - I love Mondays now!
beccy and jenny - angelina's a great writer. Glad you both enjoyed her.
swampy and matt-man -- I'm all a twitter this morning, too! COLTS!
angelina - you are most deserving! I hope it send a few new faces your way - they don't know what they're missing! Thanks for the permission to share you with the world!
Thank you for giving me some new blogs to read.
I read the St. Vincent de Paul post. That was deep.
Thanks for the links.
Thanks for the many links. Lots of reading to do.
But Mondays still suck. I have to go back to work. And it's been really stressful lately. In fact, so much so that I have less time to blog. Ugh!
thanks for sharing furn monday,God bless.
chrisb - she's got some real good stuff on there - hope you enjoy it!
james - I think she would enjoy your blog as well - neither one of you are afraid to tackle difficult issues!
dan - seems I'm always scratching and scraping to find blog time. Of course, I have a 13-year old daughter who hogs my computer.
leann - be sure to stay tuned for the next one - and thanks for stopping by!
Pacing during the first quarter? That I was, my friend! I didn't sit until near the end of the second quarter!
Tag! You're It!
OK, I'm back for a few minutes and am slowly reading my way through all these wonderful suggested blogs. It is taking some time, but I am thoroughtly enjoying this. Thanks for all the suggestions.
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