Would it freak you out a little bit if you came home and found THIS under your house?

No worries - it's not a squatter - it's a plumber! So I was actually happy to see him under there. I sort of expected that SOMETHING was happening when I pulled up and saw these:

Where there be pipes, there must be plumbers. Hooray! And why are these plumbers so happy? Well, they are probably thrilled that we have lots of room for them to work under our house. They won't have to crawl on their bellies much because of our high foundation.

While the plumbers were at work, Sam was busy doing all the complex measuring to figure out where our kitchen island would be best:

I worried about him a bit - since the plumbers were drilling holes up through the floors. Hey guys - don't drill a hole in Sam! Here is a sample of their work in the guest bath - and some of Amber's bath to the upper left of the photo:

Evidently, there will be some large pipes under our house. I sent The Offspring there (she could stand easily) to capture a little plumber action.

She had strict instructions to not capture any "plumber butts" - but no worries, these guys are modest and professional.

And guess what else? WE CHOSE TILE! A MAJOR accomplishment. Not all of the tiles are going to be exactly the same - but this gives you a general idea of how they will look:

Each tile will have a different variation of color, which will break up the floor a bit.
We also chose backsplash tile, shower tile (for the floor), cabinet design and stain, and carpet! We have agreed on every choice - now just the appliances to purchase on Saturday, furniture to pick next week - and lastly, lighting fixtures.
If you like seeing new houses, go check out
Julie's site, b/c she has SHEETROCK now!
You should do a video report, Tigger.
That's almost the same style of tile we have. I loved the color, because it looks so natural.
Wow the house is coming along real nicely!
I love those tiles.
beccy's beaten me to it - I also love those tiles. I would love to replace my grotty laminate and get my kitchen tiled.
Those tiles look almost exactly like the ones in our hall bathroom! Niiice! :)
you'll never regret backsplash.
I have tile in bathrooms. Wish I'd taken it down the hallway. I like it sooo much.
ps. pictures show up really great on bloglines.
Plumbers without butt cracks? I don't believe it.
m@ - I should...but I think it would make my plumbers nervous. Good idea, tho - I'll see what I can cook up!
christine - makes me feel good knowing that someone else has this tile - and mjd has the same formica! I feel like I'm not making freakish choices.
beccy - Thanks! Hopefully, they will look good once they are on the floor.
chrisb - my laminate is horrible in my current house, but it is an old Victorian (built in 1903) with floors that are uneven. I think tile would make the floor fall!
melissa - See? We ARE dopplegangers.
pamela - thanks! I know NOTHING about bloglines. Heck, I may be a subscriber, and not even know it...I'm such an idiot about this 'puter stuff.
mist1 - I know - I'm sure there hidden in there SOMEWHERE....
Gorgeous tile. I'm still dreaming about fixing up my current house. It IS almost eight years old now, so why not, right?
I like the tile. Congrats on accomplishing so much picking-out. I hope everyone is happy with the choices.
desert songbird - I say GO FOR IT! It is kinda fun - and I have found myself watching a LOT of those shows in HGTV. Some of their ideas are great - some are not...
kila - we did the furniture this weekend, and I let the kid and the hubby choose - so if they complain, they can't blame me!
Things are coming along nicely; this tile looks similar to some we have in a few places in our home (ours is lighter).
I cannot imagine building an entire house! Just making decisions for a few rooms does me in!!!!
I love your tile! Ours changed since we learned they didn't make our floor in the master bath to where it would drain. Now we have to add a shower pain, etc. That is okay, I found some tile I really like.
I am learning patience and accepting change better and better each day! We finally got electric to the house, everyone had been using a generator. Now that they have to do the trim (it arrived today) they have electric.
You are so sweet to link to me! You're the bomb diggity!
Tiggerlane - this is absolutely so exciting!
Love the tile choice!
robin - oh, yes, the decisions are getting even more complicated now - outlet placement, how the gas fireplace should look, etc. I took the hubby out there today so he could do some of it!
julie - Change IS the name of the game, isn't it? We've had to make a few unanticipated ones, but thankfully, the builder knows exactly how to do the tile shower so that it will drain. I am starting to feel the stress, but I'm handling it fairly well so far!
shauna - thanks! I think I need to host a blogger party!
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