Fun Monday this week is hosted by
Mommy Wizdom, and she wanted to know what we do if we were ruler, for a day/week/month/year - whatever time frame we so chose!
Since I'm always considering myself "diva-stating," this is right up my alley. Excuse me, while I adjust my tiara.
First of all, I don't think the world could handle me as ruler for more than six months. I'm a Virgo. A perfectionist. I'd get drunk with power, and we would all be forced to look fabulous, 24/7. All you ladies would be ready to throttle me for making you trot around in 4-inch heels.
Humor aside, there are some serious changes I would make.
1. I would rid the world of genocide, rape, war, torture and cruely to animals.
2. I would make the week last for EIGHT days. All the regular days would still be there, but "MY DAY" would be included. We would each have a day that we could do whatever we wanted. This would also shorten the number of months in the year, making us have to pay our bills less often.
3. Christmas would be totally de-commercialized.
4. Siestas in the afternoon would be expected.
5. The field of medicine would be less barbaric - and more holistic approaches would be customary and accepted.
6. Weekly massages for all would be mandated, free of charge - paid for by your government.
7. News channels would no longer be allowed to report on celebrity screw-ups, as if it were real news.
8. Pharmaceutical companies and oil companies would have to contribute half of their profits to help feed the hungry and clothe the poor.
9. Everyone would have to be exposed to MUSIC and LITERATURE as part of their education in this life.
10. I would do all I could to spread the messages of peace, love and spirituality, far and wide.
I could go on and on, for there is so much wrong with our world today. Some of it mildly annoying, some of it just insane, and some of it too painful to bear. I thought long and hard about this challenge - and realized that we ARE all rulers, in reality. We rule ourselves, and we have the power to make a positive change, every day.
So go visit the Fun Monday participants, and begin changing your world!