Monday, February 25, 2008

Fun Monday - and Tigger is BACK!

I am SO glad to be back in time for Fun Monday this week. With all the packing and moving and working, I felt TOO absent from the blogosphere! Mariposa is this week's hostess, and she wants to know "what's in a name and what's on our plates."

As for the name - she is referring to our blog name. I am asked at times WHY I call myself "The Neophyte Blogger." Well, if you had any idea what it took to put together a post like this, by peering over my shoulder, it would be obvious. I have been on the 'net since 1996, but all these cool tricks that other bloggers can do with their sites elude me. I had to get help from Bond to put together the masthead you see above. I am an HTML idiot, literally - and I feel like a total newbie when it comes to blog design, etiquette, linkage, etc. I have tried a gazillion times to work with Photoshop - to no avail. I have to spend so many of my computer hours uploading photos and data to our company's real estate web sites that blogging is a foreign landscape. Even after all this time, I have to ask people like Willowtree how to do simple things like strike-thrus. So now you know - the real story behind the title of my blog!

As for my plate? Nothing is better than this:A big steaming heap of cheese enchildadas...they never get old. Must be the Mexican in me!

Now go check out the other participants! And Happy Fun Monday to ALL! (Photos of us in our new home, as well as responses to your comments, coming this week!)


Celeste said...

I am new to the blog world, so I can relate. People at me. I can do photoshop and a lot of computer things, but I have no clue how to change a ringtone on my phone. The world of bloggging -- some things make sense, some don't, and I am still trying to understand the Blog World.

BTW, how DO you do a strikethrough (I had assumed that it was something that blogs on other hosting sites could do....).

Love the food. That looks awesome!

Mariposa said...

I'm an HTML moron but bloggnig forced me to learn! LOL

Love cheese enchildadas too!

Happy Fun Monday!

Anonymous said...

Oh girl it's been baby steps for me and I have to get play by play help from people to do lots of things. I've had a lot of help at wordpress. The enchilada dish is making my mouth water! Yum!

Kaytabug said...

Hey! You didn't explain Tiggerlane, that's the part I didn't know the story behind.
Damn I'm hungry now. Your cheese enchiladas look delicious. Must have been the Mexican in me that rubbed off. slaps hand..Sorry I couldn't resist, again! Darn it, now I'm craving a plate of that with an El Presidente!!!

Glad you back! Hope everything went smoothly, and that you are feeling much better now.

Alison said...

I must confess...I had to look up what neophyte meant month ago!!! Your enchiladas look delicious...those are one of my many favorites!! do you do a strike through??

willowtree said...

She not kidding folks! Tiggerlane has been blogging longer than almost all of us, and she still has no clue!

Junebug said...

Well, I want to ask how to do a strike through too but it's been asked a lot already. I keep learning new things though. It is fun. But those strike/throughs that people do are cool. Please explain. :D Your enchiladas look so good!

-Ann said...

Would I be dense if I asked where "Tiggerlane" comes from?

Gattina said...

If you blog since 1996 (I didn't even know about Internet at that time) I also think you are a hopeless case, but don't loose courage, maybe it just comes over you one day, lol !
I just could bite into your enchilada !

karisma said...

That looks delicious! I cant say I have every tried it.

Pamela said...

Sometimes I feel like a techno-idiot, too. Especially when I hang around with teenagers.

But I know how to devour enchiladas. One of my favorites, too.

j said...

Oh but don't those look GOOD! I am not good at the computer thing either. I have to keep it simple! And etiquette, what etiquette? Is there a site where they teach that cause I'm clueless (obviously?). Jen

my4kids said...

Most times I feel like a Neophyte blogger myself. I've been blogging for 2 years almost and still can't figure certain things out...

I LOVE cheese enchiladas!! Looking at that picture makes me want to make them for dinner tomorrow..

Joy T. said...

Tiggerlane though? I was wondering where the Tiggerlane came from?? I know, never happy. But those enchilada's sure do look good!

Sayre said...

I'm more of a neophyte than you, but don't really have the time to follow up on things like strike-throughs. They are very cool though. And if you visit me, you'll see that I still operate on a template-in-a-box and have very little in my sidebar. I just don't know how to do that. One day when I have time...

So - when can I come over for dinner???? That looks WONDERFUL!

ChrisB said...

The real techies make it seem easy but Alison I do know the the code for strike through (but it wont let me put it in here!)

Jill said...

we got an awesome recipe for enchiladas in my 'family' cookbook, it was from a cousins wife, i'm so glad we have that recipe, it makes a really tasty meal and the way you make them takes away so much of the sodium that the packet mix we used to use had in it... our has sour cream mixed on the inside of the tortilla with the meat, sometimes we add beans so they are enchiladas with beans, not necessarily burritos, but they are very tasty and one of my hubby's favorites, and of course they make a lot of leftovers for lunches, which is nice. great pick, and great pic!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Help! I want to know how to do strike throughs too, but I am too scared to ask Willowtree since I called him a girl the other day on my blog!!! Will you help me?? Pretty please??

Oh, and the enchiladas look fab!

Hootin Anni said...

I am loving this week's blog for Fun Monday....I'm learning the 'background' of each. It's so interesting to now know what's in the blog title's name.

And the enchiladas? Oh so yummy.

My Fun Monday is up if you haven't dropped by...I hope you can visit!!!

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Mmmmmmmm....just hold the olives for me please!

Jenni said...

"Must be the Mexican in me!"
Are you kidding me? Who doesn't love enchiladas?

Sauntering Soul said...

I figured out how to do strike throughs one time but then forgot and can't figure it out again. That might make me worse than you. I now can't even figure out how to add blog awards to my sidebar. I'm a lost cause.

I may not be able to work a computer, but I'm quite capable of eating enchiladas!

JennV said...

HTML is the bane of my existence at times too. Loved the story! The enchiladas looked way yummy!

Sandy said...

Ooh, cheese enchiladas. I'm thinking Friday!

I always think it's nice that we can just bop around and pick other people's brains 'cause Lord knows, sometimes I can't find mine!

Anonymous said...

I'm GLAD you're back!!! Also, you're adorable "must be the Mexican in me"! I love it!

Jan said...

Yah, I want to know the strike-thru thing too. I'm sure it's easy, just beyond me. I'm not Mexican, but living in Southern California, I love every food that is Mexican.

Cynthia said...

I have been wondering about how to do teh strike throughs!

I am so hungry. I beleive that the Hale family will be having Enchiladas tonight. I love Mexican food.

It must be the Mexican that my parents were exposed to growing up in California.

That was funnier in my head than wrtitten down...

Faye said...

TL, I think you could safely let go of the neophyte title, but why not keep it--so cool.

Your favorite dish is making me very discontented with what's thawing for dinner on my counter. . .

Carrie @carrieloves said...

Mmmm, cheese enchiladas are my favorite! I am flicking off those pesky black olives one-by-one... there, that's perfect!

Detroit said...

Yumm! We had enchiladas for dinner last night...unfortunately there were no left-overs. I am from California so there are many Mexican influences in my kitchen! ;o)

M@ said...

You are what you eat: hot and ethnic.

the planet of janet said...

i'm finally figuring out photoshop (i made my own fun monday logo this week! whoohoo!)

and yeah. tiggerlane? where did that come from?

(and i guess i'm the only one in the world who DOESN'T like enchiladas. sigh)

Kila said...

Mmm, pass the enchiladas, please!

How do you do a strike-thru?

Anonymous said...

Through Typepad and Mozilla Firefox, you have an option in the tool bar to change colors and most tools, like your strikethrough, underlining, bold, italics, etc. My favorite is spell checker. However, if you ever need any techie advice, NLL is a whiz - she had been on computers way back in the ... well, a lonnng time. She is the design portion and I just write the boring stuff.

Your food is more like my tastes. I have been to others that have taunted salads. My taste teter more toward wings and beer. See ya! NLM

Michelle said...

Ooooohhhh!! I love enchiladas!!! They looks really yummy!!

Attie said...

i didn't get a chance to do todays post...but sneaking in on reading others...and Iam so hungry right now!
Hope moving went good for You!!

bichonpawz said...

Welcome back! I could pretty much live on 'em!! Glad the move went well...or at least I hope it did!

Desert Songbird said...

I hope the move went well. Did they have to cart you out while you lay on the couch, moaning?

Tiggerlane said...

celeste - hey, I have that phone thing down - texting and everything, so maybe I can help you out! And I will have to post today about strike-thru's...

mariposa - thanks so much for hosting, too!

ellen b - I almost switched to wordpress b/c I heard it was MUCH more user-friendly, but alas - I haven't made the leap yet.

kaytabug - I will post today about the Tiggerlane part...and I had enchiladas with Miller Chill last night, which was ALMOST as good!

alison - they taste good, too - and I'll post today about strike-thrus.

willowtree - you are so right - maybe I should call myself The Clueless Blogger?

junebug - it will be in a post before the end of the day!

-ann - not at all - I'll post about it today.

gattina - haven't really blogged since '96, just been an avid 'net I guess that gives me a LITTLE leeway.

karisma - I made a different version last night - chicken and green chilis and cream cheese - YUM!

pamela - I will send you my 14-year old, b/c I'm tired of feeling like a complete moron. But I'll include a batch of enchiladas - deal?

jennifer - evidently, there is some etiquette - such as not discussing Grey's Anatomy episodes in the comment section of Willowtree's blog!

my4kids - thanks for making me feel not-so-alone! And the enchiladas are good - I need to start passing out my favorite recipes.

joy t. - you are not alone - I'll post about it today!

sayre - the door is open, anytime! Now that we are in the new house, it is VERY conducive to large gatherings of bloggers.

chrisb - if I get it wrong in today's post, let me know!

lil mouse - you are totally making my mouth water! I'm a fan of using cream cheese, chicken and green chilies in mine...I'll have to try the sour cream. Less sodium is ALWAYS better!

tracey - I'll do my best to post about it today! And don't let WT intimidate you - he's really a softie.

hootin' anni - I haven't been able to visit ANY of my favorite blogs for over TWO WEEKS, and it's killing me! I am hoping that I can get back to normal blog rituals this week.

aoj & the lurchers - I usually only like olives on pizza, for the record.

jenni - true - guess I was going for the obvious!

sauntering soul - I don't know how to add awards, either, unless I just add them as photos with captions. You are not alone!

jennv - maybe we need an HTML support group?

sandy - if you find mine in your blog travels, please let me know. I think I lost it in the move.

simply jenn - thanks! And I think I'm back on track now - hope I get to visit some of your blogs!

jan - I'll try to post about it today!

cynthia - it was still funny! And I had to have enchiladas last night - and look for today's post about strike-thrus.

faye - making those last night made me tired - so I'm for thawing tonight. And yeah, I'm keeping the title - for sure!

carrie sue - evidently, you're not the only one who doesn't want olives!

detroit - having been raised for a time in California, maybe that's where I get it as well!

m@ - you are making me blush. With hot ethnicity.

janet - I will have to check out your logo! And I'll answer the burning Tiggerlane question today.

kila - look for it on today's post!

nekked lizard man - I'm with you on the beer! No wings, tho - too messy. Blogger has the color, bold and italic options - but is not too good on the others.

michelle - sounds like I need to make a few extra batches!

jettie - it went pretty well, still not settled 100%, but it was okay...and I am getting hungry, too!

bermudabluez - it did - we didn't kill each other, so that's good! And my tummy is growling...

desert songbird - I actually got well, just in the nick of time! I felt normal the day before the move - just quick enough to clean out the three dressers that the movers had to cart out of our house.