I'm late with the Fun Monday post assignment, hosted by
Willowtree. Not sure how it affects my grade or how many points I will lose in Blogging 101 class, but I DID do my best to calm the restless natives by posting photos from my party weekend, featuring ample cleavage. So that MUST count for something.

I blog from work most of the time, since The Offspring hogs our home computer. This is where I am blogging from now - our front desk - as I sit for Lanna's lunch hour. (She is the girl featured in the last two photos of yesterday's post.) This machine works well, and for some reason, I write better under pressure. Working the desk, answering the phone, and greeting clients as they enter the door makes for a chaotic environment, prompting me to be concise in my writing.

Sometimes, I'm forced to upload photos from our office camera (which I did today), and this is the only computer that recognizes my old Kodak DC4800. It is located in our common computer room. Most of photo uploads are done here.

This is where I get brazen. My private, upstairs office. I'm always scurrying around the building, so I'm rarely in here - but if there is something weighing heavily on my mind, and I want VERY private time to blog and measure my words carefully, I'll blog from here.

Here is another view of my office. I figured I should take photos today, since the cleaning lady has recently visited, dusted my corners and vacuumed the floor. Like my skylight? I don't think I've turned on the lights in this room 10 times since I moved into this space 5 years ago.

No, I'm not THAT narcissistic. The mirror to the left used to be a window. When we remodeled the building to add more offices, I had to decide between a two-way mirror that would allow me to spy on my agents in the next office, or a regular mirror. Figuring I'd get nothing more than a disgusting display of bodily habits and a feeling of voyeurism with the two-way, I opted for the regular mirror. At least I can check my posture on occasion.

Last view of my office - and NO, the couch is rarely used. (I know what you're thinking,
Matt!) There's a funky '70s mirror above the couch that I just can't toss.
Well, there you have it! I have been totally absent from the blogosphere since last Thursday. Our DSL, cell phones and long distance all went down due to a fiber optic cable accident that afternoon, and I had no time during my weekend to blog. I promise to visit you all and respond to comments by tomorrow, as well as visit your blogging environments!
Less talk, more cleavage, Tigger.
I know this wasn't a competition, but you win! That's the best orifice evah!!!!
"...and NO, the couch is rarely used. (I know what you're thinking, Matt!)" All Matt's must think alike. Cheers Matt!!
Your office looks very homey. I think I could live there.
I would have liked the two-way mirror.
You are just too nice to your co-workers. Letting them show their cleavage on your blog, even.
your office is so cozy looking.
You've never done the nasty on that couch? I'm dissapointed.
I'm home! Safe and sound, and my ticker is working normally again. Thanks for the good thoughts and the kind message.
Love the skylight - I'd love having one put in our house, but it probably wouldn't that big, giving how brutal the AZ sun can be in summer.
That couch looks so comfy I could just crawl right onto it and go back to sleep.
Hhmm...well, at least you have plenty of places to blog from anyway!
Great office! I would definately hide away in there for a while.
Hope you're staying safe. Everytime Arkansas is in the news, I think of you.
I did not post my blog-enviro - I blog at home all the time because work blogging is not safe.
What a lovely office, I like how it is set out, you could alo=most live there!!! Even though you wouldn't want to live at work.
My sproutlings always hogg my laptop, that's why I am on it now blogging away while they are at school!!!
Oh, and I LOVE that mirror too!!!
Yeah, I liked the pictures from the last post better! Kidding. You and your friends were gorgeous. But your office looks like pretty cool space too.
Thank you so much for you care and concern regarding my recent hospitalization. Your warm wishes touched me deeply, and your comments brightened my day. I’m home now and feeling almost 100%.
Thanks again for your good thoughts and for visiting The Ice Box!
Desert Songbird
The Ice Box
Ice Box Project 365
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